Reacquaint, Restart, Reset


Following on from the Government’s Roadmap on 22 February, we are working towards reopening the studio to our members on 12 April, and will resume classes and courses from 17 May. 

On 12 April we are able to invite members to use the studio individually. No indoor social mixing is allowed, you should only visit the studio alone.

All members must abide by the social contact rules. The Government will continue to enforce restrictions and require businesses to demonstrate robust strategies for managing the risk of transmission and to ensure social distancing rules are followed.

To become a studio member you must have completed an introductory pottery making course or equivalent.

We still face many operational challenges. From April, the team will be returning to work for the first time since November, others will be taking annual leave, and we’ll be introducing new starters. 

Opening times from 12 April:

Monday 12:00-20:00

Tuesday 12:00-20:00

Wednesday 12:00-20:00

Saturday 10:00-17:00

Sunday 10:00-17:00

Off-peak from 12 April:

Monday 12:00-17:00

Tuesday 12:00-17:00

Wednesday 12:00-17:00

Studio visits for prospective members and inductions:

Saturday PM (TBC)

Studio-based classes and courses:

Unfortunately, indoor events that bring people together - even if they do not mix with other households - must not run until step 3 of the government's roadmap. Events are only permitted if there is an explicit exemption - this includes support groups, supervised activities for children, parent-and-child groups, communal worship, or a wedding, reception or commemorative event like a wake.

On the 17 May some indoor mixing will be allowed. You can join group classes and courses alone, within household groups or observe the rule of six. All visitors must follow guidance on how to meet safely.

We’re in the process of finalising our staffing and timetables. We will email to rearrange postponed and interrupted courses by 10 March. You will receive a voucher code and private link to rebook your place(s). Unclaimed places will be publicly available by the end of March.

It will remain important for people to consider the risks for themselves, taking into account whether they and those they meet have been vaccinated or are at greater risk.

Further information:

Review the Government's Roadmap

Review our Covid Secure Guidelines