Introducing Kim Schofield


Kimberley Schofield has recently taken responsibility for the Member’s Newsletter. She’s a member too and will be sharing stories, interviews and projects to support our members and celebrate what they do.

Hello Kim…

Who are you? Plug your social media and/or shop! 

I’m Kim Schofield, 29, local maker of pots, studio member, previously studio support, and as of right now: writer of member’s newsletters! You can find me on Instagram and Etsy or pottering around the studio with bright blue hair.

Share one pottery goal you have for 2022.

I’d like to dive a little deeper into making glazes and start running some tests in the coming weeks. 

What sparked your love affair with clay?

It was love at first touch…

Has a pot ever broken your heart?

I made a really cute owl with a bow tie and knocked him on the floor after dipping him in glaze. His tail fell off and I almost cried. I just made another and he came out great. Pots break, we move on and make more. 

What are your favourite and least favourite parts of the pottery process?

My favourite is throwing, of course. I use it as meditation, just focusing entirely on the spinning and the muscle memory movement of my hands and letting all my thoughts float on by, usually to some pretty music. My least favourite is the stuff that happens outside of the studio once the pots are made! Social media, writing etsy listings, photographing my work etc. Trying to be better at that this year.

How have any of your other hobbies/interests influenced your work?

I know no other hobbies or interests, only pots. In all seriousness, both my pots and my hobbies are influenced by the desperate desire to escape the crippling futility of my own existence.

Tell us about an artist/ceramicist you look up to.

I’m absolutely obsessed with the pots of Fahimeh Heydari. I love her saggar fired pieces, as well as the carved geometric work. So beautiful. We’re so lucky that the internet exposes us to ceramicists we’d never have seen otherwise.

Describe your relationship with clay in one word.


Finally, can you recommend a podcast/book or something you’ve watched that has inspired you recently?

I’ve been listening to the backlog of The Maker’s Playbook podcast. Lots of interesting interviews with various potters and ceramicists. I also took their webinar on the 4 Most Common Instagram Photography Mistakes and it was excellent.